Final Fantasy VII Remake to launch March 3, 2020

This article was published on June 9, 2019 and could contain information that has since changed or become out-of-date.
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Even though this year’s E3 has yet to officially start, there has been no shortage of trailers and announcements. Probably one of the largest is the highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake teaser which also includes a worldwide launch of the title: March 3rd, 2020.

The video focuses on the opening stages of the game, set in the dystopian metropolis of Midgar, where members of the group AVALANCHE target the city’s mako reactors with explosives. Members of the group, Cloud, Barret, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge are seen in the aftermath of their handiwork, while a distraught Aerith pleads for help from Cloud.

Final Fantasy VII Remake will be available only on the PlayStation 4.

Source: YouTube


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